Friday, April 27, 2012

Actually April - Gopicnic, Gopicnic, Go!

I am lucky enough to have a dad who loves me and feels bad when he takes the whole rest of my family to Disneyland two weeks before I would be getting home from college.  So he took me to Atlanta with him.  Whatsup.
On the plane, I started reading a book called "The End of Overeating."  It actually is good!  The perspective it gives is new and refreshing and appreciated.  The doctor guy who wrote the book talks a lot about how the food industry has realized how to get the public to overeat, and they play into it.  The secret is to combine high fat, high salt, and high sugar.  I'm not doing a very good job of explaining it - you should just read it.  For real, good stuff.
On the layover in Vegas, I was feeling kind of sick to my stomach.  But I needed to eat something.  So I looked around - found lot of candy and lots of Burger King.  I bought an orange, which totes wasn't enough.  then I happened upon a miracle - a thing called Gopicnic.  This little pack of all natural foods - multi-seed crackers, and tuna, and fruit and nut mix, and applesauce, and a square of dark chocolate.  I don't remember the last time a meal had made me so happy.  It settled my tum-tum, it cost less than the stupid veggie tray, AND it had a collapsible spork.  I mean, a collapsible spork?!  What a dream!  Needless to say, good food has saved the day (my mood) once again.
So ending up needing to eat in Atlanta....  Oh my heck.  They aren't kidding about the South being super fatty food.  Everything is butter and gravy and oil.  It's darling, but kinda freaky.  So I totally saw exactly what this book is talking about.  Lots of fat on fat on sugar on fat on salt.  Other than that, Atlanta is so incredible.  Lots of black people, lots of soul music, and lots of a special kind of classy energy.  I am going to love my stay.  Minus the biscuits and gravy I think.

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