Thursday, April 5, 2012

Actually April

It is April.  And I have had a wonderful, crazy semester.  On March 31st, however, I did not have a good night. I felt yucky and wanted desperately to not feel yucky anymore.  So what did I do?  I decided to have a month dedicated to real food.  That means nothing processed or artificial.  If I look at the ingredients, and I see anything that I don't know what it is, it isn't going into my body.  I do have a few exceptions: cheese, almond milk, and golean cereal.  All of these items have very low amounts of artificial ingredients, and they are good for my body, and I would be super upset to part with them.  Is that fair?  I think it's fair.  So I will document my progress: what I eat, what I reject (if it was super hard), how I am feeling, what's changing, etc.  And this is a perfect month because I get to experience part of it in school, and prove to myself and everyone that eating real food is possible as a student, and I get to try to include it when I go home to my family on the 20th.  Luckily sushi has all-natural options or else I would be putting that on my exception list too.  Hey, at least I am being real.  That's all you can ask of me.  And I have to give things cute names always, so this month is being called Actually April.  I whisper that to myself all day.  Actually April.  I am actually doing it (April).  

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